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Planta Europa partners and networks

Planta Europa has more than 75 member organisations from across Europe. To access a full list of members, please follow this link: Planta Europa members list
Beyond the network of signed up members, Planta Europa cooperates with key conservation and political bodies throughout Europe and the world. These include:

Plantlife International

Plantlife International is kindly hosting the Planta Europa Secretariat since its early days. The links between Planta Europa and Plantlife International are very strong, with Plantlife staff involved in many Planta Europa activities. Plantlife is, together with IUCN, lead partner for developing the global Important Plant Area (IPA) programme and works jointly with Planta Europa partners to implement IPAs throughout Europe.

European Council for the Conservation of Fungi and European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes

The European Council for the Conservation of Fungi (ECCF) and European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes (ECCB) are partner networks of Planta Europa and represented in all key meetings. Collaboration between Planta Europa, ECCB and ECCF are bound to be very close, as Planta Europa attempts to represent plants and fungi in European conservation processes and therefore provide a strong advocacy voice to this underrepresented part of the global biodiversity.

Council of Europe

The Nature and Biological Diversity Department of the Council of Europe has been an important partner in developing the European Plant Conservation Strategy. Links between the Council of Europe plant experts and Planta Europa have traditionally been very strong, with Bern Convention expert meetings running during each of the Planta Europa conferences. This strong relationship have made efforts on both sides more effective in the past.

Global Partnership for Plant Conservation

Planta Europa is a member of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation (GPPC). The GPPC is an initiative supported by a wide range of international and national agencies and organisations active in plant conservation. It provides an important framework to bring together a great diversity of organisations and initiatives to meet common objectives in plant conservation worldwide. It is also a key link between the secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)and organisations working towards the full implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation under the Convention.

Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)

BGCI brings together the world's botanic gardens forming a community working in partnership to achieve conservation and education goals. Planta Europa and BGCI work closely to join forces where possible and therefore strengthen the voice of plants in conservation policy processes.

Countdown 2010

The Countdown 2010 brings together partners from all sectors to promote biodiversity conservation. This includes speaking to all audiences, in particular key decision makers, to remind them of their commitment that stopping biodiversity loss is of key priority for our survival. The Countdown 2010 goal envisages that all European governments and members of civil society, at every level, have taken the necessary actions to halt the loss of biodiversity by 2010.

IUCN - The World Conservation Union

The Countdown 2010 secretariat is hosted by IUCN - The World Conservation Union, in its Regional Office for Europe. Planta Europa and IUCN cooperate closely in different aspects of the plant diversity challenge, for example, to work towards a new European Red List for Endangered Plants or in regards to Important Plant Areas. IUCN headquarters - IUCN Regional Office for Europe

European Habitats Forum

Planta Europa is a member of the European Habitats Forum (EHF), a network of international non-governmental organizations involved in the conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable use of species, habitats and landscapes throughout Europe. The Forum promotes nature conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources in Europe and fosters communication between European nature conservation NGOs in order to enhance the effectiveness of their programs.

Plant Talk

Plant Talk has published an excellent overview on plant conservation in Europe and each European country on its website. Planta Europa members were strongly involved in compiling this information, and sending updates as needed.

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