What is Planta Europa?
Planta Europa is the network of independent persons and organisations, non-governmental and governmental, working together to conserve European wild plants and fungi.. More
Today Planta Europa brings together more than 80 member organisations from 35 European countries. Among the members are non-governmental conservation organisations, governmental bodies, botanical gardens, universities, research institutes and other organisations and private persons.​
The history of Planta Europa started in 1993 when Plantlife International (PIWC) made a proposal to Bern Convention Plant Expert Meeting for a conference to discuss pan-European collaboration for plant conservation.
The joint goal of all Planta Europa members is to halt the loss of wild-plant diversity in Europe. More
Plantlife International (PIWC), a non-government organisational legal entity, started in 2000 the implementing of the programme of Planta Europa and the co-ordinating of its activities.
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